Author Bios

Authors are People Too!

Who are the (often twisted and slightly deranged) minds behind the Traks stories, the people that mangle everything Star Trek stands for? Read on and find out. And once you’re done reading, feel free to drop us a line. Or post on the Trak Facebook page, for all to see!

Alan Decker

The Original Author

Alan Decker created Star Traks while an undergraduate at Old Dominion University. In a classic case of famous last words, a simple “I’ll do one story; it’ll be fun” has turned into a huge project lasting more than thirty years with multiple series and authors and more pages of text than he ever thought possible.

Alan earned his Master of Fine Arts in Screenwriting degree at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and then moved on to doing computer work for the US government because they’re the only ones who will put advanced technology in the hands of a guy with an English degree.

He currently resides in Maryland, where he spends his days wondering how in the world he has been writing Traks for almost 30 years. Alan also has a wife and two children who disavow any knowledge of Star Traks.

Anthony Butler

The Next Vexed Thing

Born in 1977, the year of Star Wars no less, Anthony Butler grew up in the small town of Salisbury, Maryland, always dreaming of the day when a network of millions of computers would allow people all over creation to access his stories and share his enjoyment of Star Trek, and his zest for making fun of it. Imagine his surprise when all of that happened in the early-to-mid nineties. At any rate, he got his degree in English in 1999 from Salisbury University, and earned his Masters in Publications Design from University of Baltimore in 2002. He has spent the better part of the last twenty years living in Baltimore, working in higher education, and figuring out how to continue writing Traks, which turned out to be one of the things he has loved most in his life. He lives with his wife, two cats, and mild social anxiety. You can reach him at

Brendan Chris

Captain Silverado

When I was a high-school student…many years ago…I absolutely hated writing. But I guess it’s one of those things where it sucks when you’re forced to do it, but sort of fun when you decide to do it on your own!

I grew up on a farm in rural Manitoba, the part of Canada that really DOES get cold in the winter. After finishing college, I moved to Toronto Ontario where I settled into a job training new employees at a tech support center. Man, am I glad that’s over! Currently in a more professional job working with fun, nerdy technology.

It was about two years after I started reading Traks that I thought I’d try writing my own. I always hated English class, and the only writing I really did was work-related. So I was pretty amazed when I finished one story…then two…then three. Next thing I know, I’ve got a series! (And now I’ve got two…) Thanks to everybody who sent in their positive feedback, Silverado wouldn’t have gone from story to series without it.